First, please review our Minimum Requirements to ensure a smooth installation.
Maven Setup
Follow these easy steps:
- Update your pom.xml with NES package versions and repository details
- Install and run!
If you would like to see an example of the install, refer to the sample application for using NES for Spring Foundations. A more detailed README file is provided in the example application.
Additionally, you can view an example git diff to see exactly what code aspects to change to drop-in NES packages.
1. Substitute your existing Spring Data dependencies for NES dependencies in your pom.xml like the following (use appropriate version):
Note: Use the Latest Versions of NES for Spring Artifacts to find the NES replacement version.
<!-- other dependencies as needed -->
<!-- other dependencies as needed -->
2. Add your email address to the global Maven settings file in your home directory (~/.m2/settings.xml) or wherever you store project secrets. (preferably not in source code)
<value>Bearer NES_TOKEN_HERE</value>
3. Install and run your application
./mvnw clean install -U
Note, if your Maven settings.xml file is located in a path other than Maven's global path, use "-s path/to/settings.xml".
./mvnw -s ./settings.xml clean install -U
Gradle Install
Follow these easy steps:
- Update your build.gradle
- Update your Gradle properties file
- Build and run!
If you would like to see an example of the install, refer to the sample application for using NES for Spring Foundations. A more detailed README file is provided in the example application.
Additionally, you can view an example Git diff to see exactly what code changes are needed to use NES packages.
Detailed Gradle Instructions
1. Substitute your existing Spring Data dependencies for NES dependencies in your build.gradle like the following (use appropriate version):
repositories {
maven {
url = uri(providers.gradleProperty("herodevs_nes_registry_url").get())
credentials {
username = providers.gradleProperty("herodevs_nes_registry_user").get()
password = providers.gradleProperty("herodevs_nes_registry_token").get()
authentication {
dependencies {
// other dependencies as needed...
implementation ""
implementation ""
2. Add NES repository information to global Gradle properties file (e.g. ~/.gradle/
3. Add the NES maven repository to settings.gradle.
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url = uri(providers.gradleProperty("herodevs_nes_registry_url").get())
credentials {
username = providers.gradleProperty("herodevs_nes_registry_user").get()
password = providers.gradleProperty("herodevs_nes_registry_token").get()
authentication {
4. Install and run your application
./gradlew clean build
Additional Information
The direct download URLs for NES for Spring: Data Essentials follow this format (replace the package and version with that of the desired package):
package_name: spring-data-jpa
version: 2.7.18-spring-data-jpa-2.7.19
filename: [package_name] + [version] + extension
[base_url] / [package_name] / [version] / [filename]