How to configure Drupal 7 NES
Supported Download Options
HeroDevs currently offers three separate options for downloading and installing Drupal 7. If you do not see your current download option available, please reach out to to talk more!
- Using Composer
- Using Drush commands
- Direct download
Using Composer
Manually install with Drupal 7 NES Tarball:
1. Download the tarball using the steps listed in "Direct Download" or the following curl command, then place the file in your root directory.
NES_D7_VERSION="7.101.2+7.101.1:drupal" \
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $NES_ACCESS_TOKEN" --output ./ \
--location '$NES_D7_VERSION/'
2. Add the following to the composer.json file
- The NES entry must be before the entry for it to take precedence
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "drupal/drupal",
"version": "7.101.2",
"type": "drupal-core",
"dist": {
"type": "tar",
"url": ""
"autoload": {
"classmap": ["includes"]
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
3. Do not delete the composer.lock file. You will only want to update Drupal 7 core.
4. Clear the composer cache using:
composer clear-cache
5. Install the new Drupal core and just its dependencies with:
composer update drupal/drupal --with-dependencies --no-dev
6. Remove the zip from the root directory
7. You are now ready to begin integration tests
Install Using NES Registry:
1. Create an auth.json file or update your existing one
- DISCLAIMER: This file should be ignored from SCM and guarded appropriately.
"bearer": {
- Contact for ACCESS_TOKEN
2. Update your composer.json file
- The NES entry must be before the entry for it to take precedence
"require": {
"neverendingsupport/drupal7": "7.100.1-ALPHA1+7.100:drupal"
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
3. Install Drupal core and just its dependencies with:
composer update drupal/drupal --with-dependencies --no-dev
4. You are now ready to begin integration tests
Using Drush
These instructions assume that Drush is already installed on your system.
1. Download the tarball using the steps listed in "Direct Download" or the following curl command, then place the file in your project's root directory.
NES_D7_VERSION="7.101.2+7.101.1:drupal" curl --header "Authorization: Bearer $NES_ACCESS_TOKEN" --output ./ \
--location '$NES_D7_VERSION/'
2. Create a drush.make file
* In this example the file would be named drupal7_nes.make and the assumed path to your project root is /var/www/html – both of which must be accurate to your project's structure for step #3.
core = 7.x
projects[drupal][version] = 7.102
projects[drupal][download][type] = "get"
projects[drupal][download][url] = "file:///var/www/html/"
3. Run the Drush command in your terminal
drush make drupal7_nes.make
4. Finish the standard installation process as normal
Direct Download
You can download our products through two methods: via your browser or command line tools like cURL. Simply obtain the direct download URL, then authenticate either through your browser's Basic Authentication prompt or by setting headers for authentication in the command line. Learn more about direct download here.
Please contact for the direct download link for Drupal 7.